Behov Pizzeria

Streamlining for Sustainable Growth

Behov Pizzeria, nestled in the vibrant neighborhood of CPH Nordvest, has garnered success as a beloved neighborhood hangout and a destination for pizza enthusiasts. However, recognizing the need to optimize operations for future expansion, Behov sought to refine its offering, strengthen its brand identity, and align with emerging food trends and sustainability practices.


Optimization Audit

“Shout out to Heywork for their exceptional Optimization Report! They helped us identify several areas for improvement. Highly recommend their audit.”

Andre Nicholas Greedy

Founder & CEO


Optimizing strategy

  • Conducted a comprehensive audit of sales data, competitors, and industry trends
  • Developed a phased implementation plan for Behov to execute changes effectively while minimizing disruption

Menu Simplification

  • Conducted a full menu audit.
  • Identified opportunities to streamline the menu, enhance efficiency, and elevate the experince.
  • Conducted menu engineering to optimize the remaining offerings for profitability and customer appeal.


Heyworks collaboration with Behov Pizzeria has delivered a comprehensive optimization strategy outlining opportunities aimed at refining operations, improving the experience, and enhancing brand identity. We have provided Behov with a roadmap to position them to thrive in a competitive market as they move forward with implementation.

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Behov Pizzeria

Optimization and communication


Concept and menu development 

Concept development

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